IME Kalpa dhan

आई.एम.ई. कल्पधन जीवन बीमालेख

IME Money Back Cum Whole Life Plan (IME Kalpadhan)

This plan offers comprehensive life insurance coverage, ensuring that your loved ones are financially protected in case of an unfortunate event. It provides a predefined percentage of sum assured at predefined time intervals during the policy term. Further this plan provides coverage for lifetime.

Key Features

• On Death of Policyholder during the policy term, Full Sum Assured Plus Vested Bonus, if any, will be paid to nominee/beneficiary.

• On Survival

Money Back Term Benefit as percentage of Sum Assured on Survival to (Years from Doc)
10 Years 30% SA in 3rd Year 20% SA in 6th Year 50% SA + Vested Bonus in 10th Year
12 Years 20% SA in 3rd Year 20% SA in 6th Year 20% SA in 9th Year 40% SA + Vested Bonus in 12th Year
15 Years 20% SA in 4th Year 20% SA in 8th Year 20% SA in 12th Year 40% SA + Vested Bonus in 15th Year
20 Years 20% SA in 5th Year 20% SA in 10th Year 20% SA in 15th Year 40% SA + Vested Bonus in 20th Year
25 Years 20% SA in 6th Year 20% SA in 12th Year 20% SA in 18th Year 40% SA + Vested Bonus in 25th Year

• On Death of Policyholder post Maturity, Full Sum Assured will be paid to nominee/beneficiary without deducting any survival benefits already paid.

• On Survival of Policyholder to 100 years, Full Sum Assured will be paid to nominee/beneficiary.

• Loan Facility: After the policy acquires Surrender Value.

• Tax Benefits.

Additional Rider Benefits (Optional Riders)

The benefits and coverage provided under this plan are determined by the terms and conditions outlined in the policy and rider documents. In the event of any dispute arising under this policy, resolution will be in accordance with the provisions of the Insurance Act of 2079.

First Policy Issue Date: 2018-06-03

हाम्रा बीमा

- Empowering Protection